DSC PullServer automation with GitLab


  1. Install a Pullserver 1
  2. Install GitLab runner on the Pullserver with the "shell" executor and tags "shell", "powershell5", "windows" and "pullserver".
  3. Create a gitlab project where the Project Name is the name of your intended DSC config. e.g. "Finance", omitting spaces and punctuation.
  4. Register the Gitlab runner with your DSC configuration project in GitLab.
  5. Stop the Gitlab Runner service and open c:\Gitlab-Runner\config.toml in a text editor.
  6. Change the [[runners]] > shell setting from "pwsh" to "powershell" and restart the Gitlab Runner service.
  7. Add a .gitignore file with contents [PROJECT TITLE]/ to ignore the compiled mof.
  8. Add .gitlab-ci.yml file to your project with the following contents
  - dependencies
  - test
  - run

  stage: dependencies
    - shell  # <-- executor, must change config.toml shell from "pwsh" to "powershell" 
    - powershell5 # <-- only use runner with powershell 5
    - windows # <-- only use windows runner
    - pullserver # <-- only use runner with Pullserver installed
  script: |
    # Configure Environment
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    Set-Location -Path $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR

    # Initialize variables
    [string[]]$detectedmodules = @()
    [string[]]$stagedmodules = @()
    [string[]]$ignoremodules = "PSDesiredStateConfiguration"
    [string]$modulespath = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Modules'
    write-warning -Message "This script does not upgrade existing modules. Please test your scripts with modules already installed on the pull server."

    write-output "Setting PSModulePath..."
    $env:PSModulePath = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Program Files (x86)\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules'

    Write-Output "Detecting required modules..."
    Get-Content -Path "$($env:CI_PROJECT_DIR)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE).ps1" | Where-Object {$_ -match '(import-dscresource\s+)'} | ForEach-Object {
        $detectedmodules += $_.ToString().Trim().Split(" ") | Select-Object -Last 1
    $detectedmodules = $detectedmodules | Where-Object{$_ -notcontains $ignoremodules}

    Write-Output "Getting currently staged modules..."
    Get-ChildItem -Path $modulespath -Filter *.zip | ForEach-Object {
        $stagedmodules += $_.Name.ToString().Trim().Split("_")[0]

    Write-Output "Checking for modules in the runners's powershell library..."
    foreach($detectedmodule In $detectedmodules){
        write-output "Checking for $detectedmodule..."
        $checkmod = Get-DscResource -Module $detectedmodule -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            write-output "$detectedmodule already installed."
            Write-Output "Installing $detectedmodule..."
            Install-Module -Name $detectedmodule

    Write-Output "Identifying modules missing from the pullserver repository..."
    $missingmodules = $detectedmodules | Where {$stagedmodules -NotContains $_}

    foreach($missingmodule In $missingmodules){
        Write-Output "Downloading $missingmodule..."
        Save-Module -Name $missingmodule -Path .

        Write-Output "Unhiding files to enable compression..."
        Get-ChildItem -path ".\$missingmodule\$version\*" -force -Recurse | where{$_.Attributes -match "hidden"} | foreach{$_.Attributes=""}

        Write-Output "Compressing module..."
        $version = (Get-ChildItem -Path ".\$missingmodule").Name
        $archive = '.\' + $missingmodule + '_' + $version + '.zip'
        Compress-Archive -Path ".\$missingmodule\$version\*" -DestinationPath $archive

        Write-Output "Creating checksum..."
        New-DscChecksum -Path $archive -OutPath .

        write-output "Copying modules to module share..."
        Copy-Item -Path $archive -Destination $modulespath

        write-output "Copying checksum to module share..."
        Copy-Item -Path "$archive.checksum" -Destination $modulespath

    - pushes

  stage: test
    - shell
    - powershell5
    - windows
    - pullserver
  script: |
    BeforeAll { 
      . "$($env:CI_PROJECT_DIR)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE).ps1"

    Describe 'Pester-Test' {
      It 'Passes Script Analyzer' {
        Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path "$($env:CI_PROJECT_DIR)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE).ps1" -Severity Error | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

      It 'Generated MOF' {
        "$($env:CI_PROJECT_DIR)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE)\localhost.mof" | Should -Exist

    AfterAll {
      If(Test-Path -Path "$($env:CI_PROJECT_DIR)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE)\localhost.mof"){Remove-Item -Path "$($env:CI_PROJECT_DIR)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE)\localhost.mof"}

    - pushes

  stage: run
    - shell
    - powershell5
    - windows
    - pullserver
  script: |
    # Configure Environment
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    Set-Location -Path $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR

    # Initialize variables
    [string]$configpath = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\DscService\Configuration'

    write-output "Setting PSModulePath..."
    $env:PSModulePath = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Program Files (x86)\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules'

    Write-Output "Writing MOF..."
        & "$($env:CI_PROJECT_DIR)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE).ps1" -Verbose
        Throw $_.Exception.Message

    Write-Output "Creating Checksum..."
    New-DscChecksum -Path "$($env:CI_PROJECT_DIR)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE)\localhost.mof"

    Write-Output "Renaming MOF file..."
    Rename-Item -Path "$($env:CI_PROJECT_DIR)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE)\localhost.mof" -NewName "$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE).mof"

    Write-Output "Renaming checksum file..."
    Rename-Item -Path "$($env:CI_PROJECT_DIR)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE)\localhost.mof.checksum" -NewName "$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE).mof.checksum"

    Write-Output "Copying MOF to $configpath..."
    Copy-Item -Path "$($env:CI_PROJECT_DIR)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE).mof" -Destination $configpath

    Write-Output "Copying checksum to $configpath..."
    Copy-Item -Path "$($env:CI_PROJECT_DIR)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE)\$($env:CI_PROJECT_TITLE).mof.checksum" -Destination $configpath

    - master

1 If your Pullserver cannot reach the internet, consider creating a local Nuget server to host required modules and add a Register-PSrepository command to the Configure Environment section of the Dependencies stage to register your internal Nuget server. You will need to upload all required modules and resources to the internal Nuget Server.

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